June 23, 2014
My Dearest Family,
I can't believe Liz is leaving for her mission! How exciting! She is
going to do great!!
Youth Conference sounds like it was a blast.
Okay I'm a little bumbed that I've been missing the world cup. Like
not too much because you know what could be better than being a missionary, but
EVERYONE is talking about the world cup. Ha-ha its been cool though because I've
met people from like all over the world and they are all routing for different
countries. But don't worry, I still have my American Pride.
So this week...crazy. Crazy busy. Crazy with miracles. Crazy with so
much joy.
Okay so mom wants to hear more about the being a STL. I'm sure every
mission does them differently, but here there are five companionships of STL
for the mission. Four full field, and one in the Visitor Center. The sisters we
are over are all in our zone, so they don't live very far. We are over five
companionships and are expected to go on a 24-hour exchange with each
companionship and make sure everything in their area is going well. Because
this transfer is NUTS with a ton of meetings and everything we are having a
hard time figuring out when to do transfers. We did two this past week.
Thank you for your prayers because I definitely felt them this past
week, especially on Wednesday, when it was my first exchange ever! I got to go
back to Bell Gardens though! It was a different area than where I served, but
it was so fun seeing a familiar place and a few familiar faces. I was with a
sister named Sister Jarman and she is just great. Here's a cool miracle that came
from it...
The morning we were supposed to switch back Sister J and I went out
to exercise. Sister J doesn't like to run, so we were just walking and trying
to talk to everyone. We started a conversation with a girl probably in her late
teens early twenties. Turns out she already knew about the Book of Mormon
because she already had one... say what?! Some Elders gave it to her about a
month ago. I asked her if she had had a chance to read it, to which she
replied, "Yes, I'm about half way done." I just like paused for a
second in unbelief. And then she said she believed the Book of Mormon to be the
word of God. It was so cool. So cool!! We got her contact information, and
hopefully those sisters have been able to meet up with her again!!!
Our second exchange was from Friday to Saturday. I stayed and Sister
Landon left. I was with another sister named Sister Nottle. She is literally
the sweetest thing ever and just so happy all the time. The day was stress
because I still don't know the area super well and hadn't even met all of the
investigators we were suppose to teach for that day, but we survived. We have a
new investigator named F…, who just feels the spirit. And even though Sister
Nottle doesn't speak Spanish, she did a great job reading in Spanish to help
with the lesson. I was super impressed. And F… has a baptismal date!!! He
didn't make it to church so we will have to push it back a week, but he wants
to get baptized. He called us just a little bit ago to confirm the lesson we
have with him and told us he is bringing us Tortillas. :) I love the people
Then the weekend happened. I cannot even describe how great this
weekend was. There is this family that we have been teaching. One of their
oldest sons was baptized a few weeks ago. And the rest of the family has been
listening here and there. There are 9 kids and two parents. The mom S… has told
us she would like to be baptized and we are planning her baptism for the 29th
of June. The family is so great, and would reap so many blessings from the
gospel. I'm so stoked for them.
But anyways, we have been trying so hard to get the P… family to the
Visitor Center. We even fasted for it a week ago. And it finally happened. The
dad and five of the kids were able to make it. There were some obstacles, but
the Lord provided and we had one of the best tours I've ever been on at the
Visitor Center. They were all beaming. Then both parents and two of the young
boys were able to make it to church on Sunday and watch their son/older brother
N… get the priesthood. It was so special to be able to watch. And we have a FHE
set up with them for Tuesday. I'm so excited.
This family has helped me realize the importance of the Holy Ghost.
We were having a lesson with some of the kids and the dad. The two younger boys
(ages 8 and 10) have been reading the Book of Mormon with N…, their older
brother. And they LOVE it. The younger boys love the book. They will even read
it on their own, just for fun.
In one lesson we were talking about the Spirit and asked them when
they feel it. The younger brothers said they felt it when they read the Book of
Mormon. But then N… was like, I feel that good all the time. It was powerful
and hit me hard. Because I was like... you know what... so do I. And that was when
it clicked. I have the CONSTANT companionship of the Holy Ghost. There is a
member of the Godhead with me ALL THE TIME. And not everyone has that. Not
everyone has that blessing. Not everyone has the ability to live life with that
constant comfort and direction. And I was just filled with gratefulness. I am
so grateful to have that gift of the Holy Ghost.
And it’s making me work harder. Everyone deserves that gift and I've
got to do my very best to let them know that! Please make sure you are working
on your own missionary experiences. My birthday is next week and it would be so
cool to hear all of your stories!!!
Love you lots!!!
Hermana Mik Pillar
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