Saturday, November 9, 2013


October 28, 2013

Alrighty Family!
Are you ready for another update from good old Cudahy?? Either way, here it comes.... First lets just take a minute and realize that Sister Pillar will hit her six-month mark in two weeks. That's crazy. I'm not sure where the time has gone. But there it is. Crazy, huh?

Okay so lets rewind back to two weeks ago. I forgot something important! So about two weeks ago, Sister Walker and I tried our new finding strategy. We have a few high schools in our area, so we are trying to use this to our advantage. We decided to do something fun and creative and something I've wanted to do for months. I told my idea to Sister Walker who conveniently had the materials and we went to work. We took her box of sidewalk chalk and drew the Plan of Salvation on the sidewalk about a block down the street. As kids were walking home from class, I shouted at them my very sly and very cunning technique, "DO YOU HAVE INTERNET?" (Okay probably not the most cunning technique, but it made the people stop) and then I gave them a card. For anyone who has not been on the website, check it out! It’s amazing. My personal favorite is Lindsey, but all of them are super good. Well anyways it was super fun and we talked to a ton of people. So it was definitely worth it. I took pictures and those will be coming to you shortly!

Now this week... we have been working a lot with the less active. Love them! And guess what... R. came to church again!!! Happiest moment ever. She's a sweet heart. And you can tell just loves her kids. We also went and met with the C. family. Hermano C. comes to church every Sunday, but his wife hasn't been in years. So we stopped by and discovered that Hermana C. is an extremely talented seamstress. So is her daughter. We had a really powerful lesson about the Restoration and invited them to read the Book of Mormon every day and come to church. Hna C. didn't come to church, but the perfect thing is we have it again next week so we'll just invite her again :) Hna C.s daughter, who is also less active, is going to teach us how to knit when we go over for dinner on Friday. I'm excited, but not quite sure how this will go over. Knitting has never been a forte of mine, but maybe with the blessings of being a missionary, I'll be able to master it this time.

We had Mormon Helping Hands on Saturday and spent a good portion of the day deep cleaning the chapel. It was tons of fun. Afterwards, the missionaries planned a ward FHE that we are in charge of. It’s going to be epic!!!! We are doing a real-life iron rod scenario. I'll definitely take pictures.

Other than that, life is going great.  You asked me a question about being in after dark. Unfortunately its not a rule that we have to been in by dark. I hate it. I absolutely hate the dark and it gets so dark here so fast. After date light savings its going to be dark at like 5:30/6pm. I've made a big effort to always make sure we have set appointments we have to go too after dark, but that's not always possible. So keep praying for me and my safety. We are protected but extra prayers never hurt. And I'm a bit nervous that they'll take away our car next transfer. There's a rumor that President wants the whole mission to be a "no car" mission, so only bikes and public transportation. I'm working on humbling myself and thinking this is a good idea.

Here's a quote from C.S. Lewis (who paraphrased a metaphor by George McDonald) that I've really taken to heart lately, "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of-- throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace."

I hope that impacts you like it did me. Sometimes life hurts, but its makes us into that celestial being we are destined to be. The Church is true. Christ lives and loves each and every one of us.
Love you all!! Keep the faith!!!
Hermana Mik Pillar

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