Sunday, November 9, 2014


August 25, 2014

My Dearest Family,
I wish I could express my sincere gratitude. But words simply do not do it justice. This week we were insanely blessed.

But firstI'm really sorry.  Besides hitting a pole with the mission car I also got a parking ticket.  I've tried so hard my whole mission to avoid parking tickets and LA finally got me.  I guess I'm a true LA driver now.

We had set really high goals for ourselves this past week. We wanted to up everything; lessons, new investigators, and baptismal dates. This will come into play later in the week.

Tuesday, Sister Young and I did a companionship study with some of the sisters in our zone. It was inspired! We all needed a little boost of faith and boy did we get it. We decided that "We are Baptizers" and to talk with everyone we see in the streets with the attitude they will become new investigators. The sisters we talked too have been REALLY struggling with finding.

This past week they handed out a few really good referrals to the Spanish Elders, and randomly got a call from Boston. Some one living there is coming back to Downey and would like to be baptized. He already has a date. These sisters were basically handed a prepared man to teach and baptized. The Lord really does grant our efforts.

We were then able to share with them yesterday that the people they found and gave to the Elders are really interested and the Elders are super excited. The joy that was on the faces of these sisters was incredible. I can't tell you how excited I was for them. Excited that we had see a need, helped them address it, and they had done the hard thing, opened their mouth, and they were being blessed by the Lord. #joy

Wednesday, we went on exchanges with another set of sisters. I went back to Bell Gardens for the day with Sister Ballard (no relation to Elder Ballard, I already asked.) And she is so cool! She is still in her first transfer, but you can tell she will be a stellar missionary. Well she is already, but once she masters the language, all of LA better watch out. We had a really good time and mastered talking to people through car windows. And found a few new investigators.

We switched back that night, and Sister Young and Sister Weller had really brought miracles to the area. Their day had been amazing. And the rest of Wednesday had been amazing. We found a bunch of new investigators and had a bunch of lessons and it was so good. By the end of Wednesday, we had already increased in all of our goals from the previous week. It was incredible. I was so pumped.

Thursday... Sister Young wakes up SICK. Sister Young is like the energizer bunny. She just doesn't stop. So when she asked if she could sleep through studies because she didn't feel good, I knew something was up. She had a fever and a cough and was so discouraged that she was sick in the last two weeks of her mission. But we understood why the Lord has consecrated our efforts on Wednesday. He knew she would be in bed for the rest of the week.

But Sunday we were hit with a few more miracles. G was baptized!!! Sister Young taught G almost nine months ago when she was in the area for the first time. G had set several baptismal dates, but never made them. This transfer we have been teaching her and her desire to be a member was so strong. And she did it. She was baptized!! I would send pictures but I forgot my camera. Next week!

Then at church, E told us that she wants to be baptized. We have been teaching the P family. I think I've talked about them before. It’s a family of 11. One of the older brothers and Dad were baptized in the spring and in July. The younger brothers were supposed to be baptized yesterday, but we felt like we should wait a week to better prepare them. Well their older sister, who we have been teaching as well, accepted to be baptized with them this weekend. And so did their mother!! Sister Young and I were so grateful last night. It was amazing. E reminds me a lot of Madeline, and I am so proud of her. She just shines. And she has this really cool thirst for truth and good things. It reminds me of the 13th article of Faith. E searches for the good and she has found it. She has even started doing Personal Progress which is so cool.

So please pray for E, S, L, and S this week and that a lots of people will go to their baptism. This family has changed me. They have shown me that the Gospel of Jesus Christ and improve our families and make us better people. You can feel a difference in their homes these days. It’s the best thing ever.

I'm still trying to work as hard as ever. I want to literally give my all. I've got only a short time left to wear the badge, and I'm going to do well with it. Transfers are next week so I will let you know what's happening.

The mission is reading the Book of Mormon together again. And this time we are looking for references to the Savior. I always knew that the BoM was another Testament of Christ, but I have been blown away with how many times the Lord is actually in the book. Its really opening up my eyes to how involved the Lord is with our lives. He is always there, watching and aiding and hoping we listen.

Love you lots!!!
Keep the faith!

Hermana Mik Pillar

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