Saturday, November 8, 2014


July 14, 2014

My Dearest Family,

Thank you so much for all your prayers this past week. I felt them. And the Lord really blessed us. 

You know how in the scriptures, the prophets write what happens and then there's a line like "a lot of marvelous things came to pass which cannot be written at this time?" That's how I feel. So many things happen. 

First off, this past Sunday F. and A. were baptized! 

F. is a referral from one of our members. His story is amazing. Apparently, he had called the sisters last transfer (before I was in the area) to ask about the LA English Class, which has been cancelled. They asked him if he would be interested in hearing about the message we share, which he agreed too. Well, when they went by his sister wouldn't let them in the door. Not her best. So they just dropped him. 

Fast forward to about a month later, and we receive a call from one of the members, Hermano T., in our ward. He said he met this man named F. outside his house as he was riding his bike home. Some how the Gospel came up and F. explained that some missionaries probably thought he wasn't interested but he actually was. We started to teach him at the T. house and he was baptized on Sunday!

A. story: A few months ago, Sister Landon and another Sister met this family while trying to contact another referral. The family has two parents, nine children, and one grandchild. In May, N., the second oldest son, was baptized. And he's amazing. He's almost read the entire Book of Mormon and absolutely loves it. He is currently preparing for his own mission. 

This transfer, we have been teaching his parents. N. baptized his dad on Sunday and it was a beautiful moment. His mom would have been baptized as well, but because of a work conflict, she was not able to attend church. She needs to come one more time. But she wants to be baptized so bad.

Its so humbling to see how much people want the Gospel. It makes me so grateful to realize that I have had it my whole life. 

Other things that happened this week.... 

July 9th was Sister Landon's Birthday. We have way more cake than any missionaries should. And when we came home, our roommates (Sister Dopp and Hart) had complete decorated our room. Probably a fire hazard, but it was so sweet!

Another huge miracle that happened was we went to the Visitor Center with J. J. is an investigator that I have only taught a few times. She wasn't coming to church and we just hadn't had time to go visit her recently. We stopped by on Thursday and the first thing she said to us was "I want to go to Santa Monica (The Visitor Center) with you." We were like... okay!

So we went Saturday, and it was amazing. J. brought her daughter and her grandchildren and they all LOVED it! The daughter who said that church wasn't for her was smiling the whole time. The little granddaughter didn't want to leave. And it was cool how much she loved the Restoration video. 

Okay two more major miracles.
One of them happened on exchanges. I was in our area with Sister Hart. And we went to our dinner appointment. We didn't realize it, but our dinner appointment was with a part member family. We started talking to the husband and he confessed that he wasn't a member. His son is about to leave for his mission though. We talked about that for a little bit and  found out the father took the discussions about 6 years ago, but still had questions and never got baptized. 

We started to talk about some of his questions. At some points it got a little heated, but Sister Hart just testified and brought the Spirit. He agreed to meet with us again. As we were leaving, he mentioned that he was suppose to have work that night, but got home early. And usually when the missionaries come over he doesn't talk to them. Miracle! I give Sister Hart a lot of the credit. It was divine design she was there that night. She clicked with him so well and was able to really relate to him. It was amazing to see. 

Second miracle, our area overlaps with the Zone Leaders except they teach the English people. We send a lot of referrals back and forth. They gave us a referral this past week. They said they went by to meet this woman. In all honesty, I can't remember why they went their in the first place, but they were talking to her via the door. They said a prayer with her and then... she fainted. She pulled a King Lamoni. The Elders literally had to catch her in their arms before she hit the floor. So we stopped by this past week. She was busy, so we have a rescheduled appointment with her this week. I'll let you know how it goes. But moral of the story... the church is true!

Hope all is well on the East Coast. Its actually overcast here today. So weird. Haha.
Love you lots!

Hermana Mik Pillar 

F. and  Hermano T. baptized him. 

A. got baptized! Him and his baby J. and his wife S.
We went to the VC with J. and her daughter and grandchildren. It was a miracle. And they LOVED it!!!

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